Client Stories

Client Stories - English Version

Daw San San standing infant of her mill in Myanmar

Daw Saw Saw Win, like many women in Myanmar, left her family to move to Yangon, the capital city for work where she took on various jobs in tourism...

Workers Return To Myanmar: Can Microfinance Help?

Often we meet families who have had to separate in order for one or both parents to find better paying work in an urban centre. This story is about a...

Women at sewing machine used to make shoes for the military in Myanmar

Thida aged 43 years is a cobbler by trade, having learned her skills from her parents. With her experience, she is able to cover all aspects of the...

VF Myanmar client at broom making workshop

Yu  is 33 years old and married with two daughters (14, 10) and a son aged 6 years.

Her first experience at borrowing money came when she was...

woman at her sewing machine

San is 54 years old and married with one child. She has been in sewing for 15 years and her shop’s specialty is boys clothing. For the last 10 years...

Bright baby day care in Myanmar

The Bright Baby education centre on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar, is true to its name.

The nursery children are asleep when we arrive, on a hot...

VisionFund client Nilar from Myanmar

We meet Nilar, a mother from Au Yin Taw, a small rural village on the outskirts of Mandalay. Nilar used one of the only resources she had, her hands...