VisionFund India client with her children

Creating economically strong and sustainable communities for the past two decades.

Creating economically strong and sustainable communities for the past two decades.




VisionFund Highlights


children impacted through VisionFund clients




Clients in World Vision Area Programmes

US $800M

worth of loans disbursed


number of loans disbursed


global repayment rate


VisionFund clients globally who are women


VisionFund clients living in rural areas


clients who are smallholder farmers
Every 60 seconds...a family receives the tools to overcome poverty

Our Vision

Life in All
Its Fullness

Our Mission

Empowering Families to Become Financially Resilient

Our Values

Rooted in the
Love of Christ
VisionFund FY23 Annual Report

VisionFund International released its Annual Report for the financial year ending 30 September 2023, empowering lives through microfinance services.

Empowering Futures: How VisionFund Microfinance Transforms Lives

Discover the remarkable impact of VisionFund's microfinance initiatives in transforming lives and communities. Dive into the heart of how this innovative approach works, offering financial opportunities, training, and support. Witness the journey of individuals as they break free from the chains of poverty, fostering empowerment and sustainable change. Join us in exploring the inspiring stories of resilience, growth, and hope brought to life through VisionFund's microfinance vision.

VisionFund Guatemala client with loan officer using mobile application

Every 60 seconds a family receives the tools to overcome poverty

Every 60 seconds a family receives the tools to overcome poverty