Alex 1

Refugee Starts Again as a Locksmith

Alex is a man from Túquerres, a municipality in the department of Nariño - Colombia, located 57.4 km from the Ecuadorian city of Tulcán. The constant natural disasters and armed conflicts in the area has caused the economy to decline, making it unsustainable for Alex to remain in his place. Thanks to his work, his daily effort and the timely credit from VisionFund Bank Ecuador, Alex and his family feel confident in their new home and achieving another of their dreams: to see their daughters become professionals in the near future.



Capital City

17 million

Population, total

107.5 billion

GDP (current US$)

VisionFund Ecuador is a Christian owner-operated mission-driven microfinance network working with caregivers in hard to reach, impoverished locations so they can create secure futures for their children. Inspired by Christian values, we are dedicated to working with the most vulnerable families and communities regardless of religion, race, ethnicity gender, to create lasting change in their lives.

VisionFund serves low income clients living in vulnerable and rural communities by offering financial and livelihood solutions, delivered through our Network, World Vision and partners; empowering families to create income and jobs; and unlocking economic potential for communities to thrive. The products and services offered fall into five broad categories: microloans, savings programmes, microinsurance, training and education. Benefits include sustainable livelihoods, increased economic well-being, improved community well-being, decreased dependence on outside aid and restoration of hope and dignity. 

Together with World Vision, we are focused on ending extreme poverty by 2030.