Young girl from Armenia

Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe

In FY2019, VisionFund’s four Eastern European microfinance institutions had a combined 38,000 clients.

Select the country below to learn more.


branches across Eastern Europe

US $48M

loan portfolio in 2019


children impacted in 2019

Our Work in Eastern Europe

The Eastern European Region has presented an exciting opportunity for VisionFund to reach the poor. Economic and political factors create a setting for microfinance different from any other place in the world. VisionFund's microfinance institutions create opportunities for individuals to improve quality of life, mostly through business ventures in commerce and agriculture.

VisionFund works hard to ensure the right financial inclusion solutions are right for the Eastern European context, to better serve the diverse needs of our clients in all countries in which we work. VisionFund are focused on sustainably empowering our clients to break the cycle of poverty, for good.