Staff Care Week

Malawi | About Us

VisionFund Malawi  is a leading microfinance institution established as a subsidiary of VisionFund International, a global microfinance institution operating in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. VisionFund International is a wholly owned subsidiary of World Vision International, a Christian relief development and advocacy organisation. Working together, we provide the foundations for local economies to flourish in healthy and safe communities.  

We were established in 2000 to provide microfinance services to people in Malawi who would otherwise have little or no access to credit. Our financial products are aimed at empowering communities by providing access to credit as well as training in business related areas. We focus on helping the economically poor and active members of communities, with a special focus on women. The well-being of children, families and communities in Malawi is our main focus. We serve the country’s poorest people by helping them start or grow their own businesses through loans of as low as $25. 

We operate across the country through 18 branches mainly located in and around World Vision Malawi (WVM) Area Programs (AP). This allows us to integrate our financial services with World Vision’s development interventions and goals. Working with World Vision Malawi brings synergies that result in lasting changes economically, spiritually and socially to people’s lives and their communities. 

We are currently servicing over 60,073 clients, of which 45,712 are women. Our loans make a significant improvement to the lives of many, including 192,178 children. When our clients use their loans to build their businesses, the effects are felt throughout the community. They use the additional income earned to buy food, clothes and medicine, and to educate their children so they too can have a brighter future.  


Our Senior Management Team