Paola tells us that from an early age she had worked with her parents in the fields, and that ever since she was a child, they had instilled in her the values that would allow her to get ahead later in life.

She tells us that from a very young age she had begun to work during her free time while studying, and so, little by little, with the support of her parents she was able to finish high school. She is now a single mother to a four-year-old boy and provides for him with the support of parents.

Paola started with a pig breeding business, and later decided to start a business of selling plants from her home.

“Banco VisionFund opened their doors to me with a group loan, with my uncle and sister-in-law,” she says. “With my first credit I was able to grow and build my own nursery, the income from which I am able to provide for my son since I do not have the support of his father. I am doing very well thanks to God and Banco VisionFund.”

She thanks God that her business was not affected by the pandemic and that it was welcomed in the City of the Angel where she lives. She also says that there is little to no competition in the sector.

She feels very happy seeing that her business is growing every day, and even more that her customers feel satisfied with the products they buy from her.

She says that she is always hand in hand with GOD, trusting in Him and praying day by day that they will not lack their daily bread, and giving thanks for her growing business and their health.

“My future goal is to put a branch in another part of the city and thus be able to generate employment for other people. I thank Banco VisionFund and their advisors who have a good will and help us with the right products, and my current advisor who explained to me the benefits of mobile banking so that I have many options that saves me time.”


Written by Alexander Antonio Bolaños Rosero, VisionFud Ecuador