Test Card 2

Empowered Worldview

Empowered Worldview

Empowered Worldview

How people see and interpret their world can change everything - how they behave, what they believe they are capable of, and what they believe is feasible in their lives. Often, when World Vision and VisionFund come to a community, we find that those living in poverty have a worldview that tells them there is no way to change their situation, and that God has no active presence in their lives.

Our Empowered Worldview program helps our clients see that they are full of the potential God has given them, and can change their lives and the lives of those around them by learning an empowered mindset. Over five modules, our clients replace fearful and superstitious beliefs with the knowledge that God loves them, and are challenged to be more courageous and take risks in building their community, no matter how many or few resources are available. We want our clients to look to the future, and feel ready to take their next steps out of poverty. 

Empowered Worldview gives our clients an understanding and acknowledgment that we are created in the image of God and are invited to participate in what God is doing in the world, particularly during this time of recovery in the aftermath of COVID-19.